martedì 12 maggio 2015


Interni Project | Cassina


To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the production of the furniture of Le Corbusier, Cassina and Interiors magazine have selected forty architects of the most important studios of the Milan project protagonists inviting them to participate in the design competition showcases Cassina showroom in Milan in via Durini16. The theme of the competition LC 50 Project is inspired by the famous definition that Le Corbusier gave the house as a "machine for living", perfect and running.

“The house is a machine for living" and "a chair is a machine for sitting" are the corollaries of an rationalist aesthetic, a rhetoric that is pushed towards a functionalist supremacy. These are the basic assumptions of modern design on the reproducibility of everyday objects and the aesthetic dimension of standardization.

The exhibition showroom of Cassina is based on this basic assumption and it is intended as a place that embodies the expression of contemporary modernity. The space is transformed into a theater piece where the furniture in the collection LC Cassina is staged and shown to the public through the filter of the windows with interactive media. In this way, by almost dreamlike means of a dematerialization process, the furnishings are imagined to become iconic objects.
The typical setting of the twenties of the twentieth century and the poetic figurative of Le Corbusier will be recreated by means of interactive projections (video mapping): these are everyday objects (furniture, vases, baskets, bottles, jugs, cups etc.) but also men and women in period costumes in real dimensions. All these images will interact with visitors in the showroom.

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