martedì 9 dicembre 2014

International Recognition for SLIM35mm, designed by Federico Delrosso

Best of the Year Award 2014
The ultra-narrow plank designed by Federico Delrosso for the company TABU was among the projects shortlisted for the BOY (Best of the Year) Award organized by INTERIOR DESIGN magazine - USA.
Among the many international projects arriving from the design world, the ultra-narrow floor plank designed by Federico Delrosso was selected as a project of interest for the BOY (Best of the Year) Award, Materials and Surfaces section. The prestigious recognition was awarded during the prize-giving ceremony, which took place in New York on 4th December 2014.
SLIM35mm has been created and designed in keeping with the current

lunedì 1 dicembre 2014

The Business of Design: a Global Conversation

The first Italian IIDA (International Interior Design Association) event in Milan organized by Federico Delrosso, member of the IIDA Presidential Committee.

Thursday, 11th December   
ADI Headquarters, via Bramante 29 Milan

A round table dedicated to interior design and to international trends will take place in Milan for the whole of 11th December, on the initiative of the IIDA (International Interior Design Association) founded in Chicago in 1994.
The event will occur thanks to work carried out over the last few months by Federico Delrosso, who was nominated last August as a member of the IIDA Presidential Committee.
The IIDA undertakes its activities with 33 “IIDA Chapters” spread throughout the world,